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Tekken 7 REVIEW !!!

Hello guys today we have a review for Tekken 7 :

Let's start with some info :

Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take. Expand your fighter's journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

My review :

Performance Constant 60 fps is vital in this game as framerate drops will affect button inputs. This game is extremely smooth to run on ultra settings whilst maintaining constant 60 fps (at 1920x1080 on a GTX 1060) though borderless windowed settings forces me to run at 3840x2160 for some reason, but this does not seem to affect system performance at all. Only drops you will see are the loading cutscenes where it will run at 30 fps, but who cares about that? Character roster Amazing. Simply amazing. Day 1 release gives you a whopping 37 characters to choose from (38 if you got Eliza as a pre-order bonus) with 10 of them being new characters. The characters all speak in their native language, so I found myself very confused when they all seemed to understand what each other was saying during the story (a great example of this is the dialogue between Nina, Heihachi and Claudio). However, this is by no means a downside as we don't have to hear horrible dubbed voices of foreign characters, but instead it feels more natural and fitting.

Stages Not only are there a wide selection of characters, but there are also 20 stages to choose from. The stages have different layouts so it doesn't feel repetitive. You'll have stages with and without walls, some which are octagonal shaped, others which are square shaped and even stages with multiple platforms that can be broken through by using certain moves. Each stage has it's own music piece composed to it and gives it a sense of uniqueness. Oh, and they all look great too. Story I found the story to be very interesting and gripping at times, but I also found it to be quite short. For the most part it's spending 5 minutes watching a cutscene, fighting someone and then rinse and repeat. Though I guess for a fighting game not much else can be done. I completed the story in a couple of hours in a single sitting along with the extra character episodes unlocked after completing the main story. I found myself hysterically laughing at certain character episodes (Paul vs. Panda and Lucky Chloe vs. Eddy are the two that come to mind) and it was just really fun overall. But as I previously mentioned it is VERY short.

Gameplay I gotta say, the gameplay is near-flawless. For a fighting game noob, I was able to quickly pick up characters I have never even played before and within an hour or so I would come to grips with their playstyle and how to use them. Blocking is done simply by holding back for mid and air attacks and down-back for low attacks, there is no button input required and it is as simple as that. Most characters have very easy 3 or 4 hit combos which is helpful when starting out with a new character. One thing I am not too impressed with however is the inclusion of 'rage arts'. I understand that it is included to help give players an edge when they have low hp, but it honestly just feels cheap. Not to mention that Akuma's rage art can not be blocked, but only evaded by sidestepping or jumping at the right time.

Controller input Because who would ever dare to play a fighting game with keyboard and mouse? I play this game using my PS4 controller and seems to work flawlessly. The button layout however still shows the Xbox controller button layout, but this isn't an issue at all. I really appreciate the inclusion of custom controller input bindings so I can easily bind multiple buttons to a single button (LP+RP to L1 for example). Soundtrack The soundtrack is quite possibly the best soundtrack of any game I have ever played. There isn't a single track that I have disliked and I have found myself sitting in the character select screen and certain maps in practice whilst I do other tasks just so I can listen to the soundtrack in the background. Honestly even if you don't like fighting games, at least listen to the soundtrack and you will not be disappointed.

Overall - 10/10.

It's honestly hard to fault this game, it is quite possibly the best fighting game of all time. I love every aspect of this game from the characters to the soundtrack. The game runs very smoothly so I have no issues with input lag and I just find myself falling in love with this game more and more each day. The only issue I have found is that you will sometimes lose connection to a host before you have even joined them, but otherwise online also works flawlessly with no noticable lag.

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